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the know how

“Whilst all agreed that this is the most innovative marine craft [...].
The vehicles are conceived, based on very healthy flow mechanisms by which vehicles are created with various extraordinary qualities and high integrity of the design [...].  We also refer to a report by Ghent University, which acted as consultants on flow theory on the whole, their report confirms our views [...].”

(Ir. Jef Vandenhout, L M.S. Louvain, Belgium)

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  • past, present and future

    “The dynamic stability” is a new technology that by its application on marine crafts makes it possible the creation of a brand new behaviour of theses vehicles. This Know How has by now reached its full development. The first studies, research and development, date from the early 80s at the Agora department of the Universidad Las Colinas (Lasoberana). Fundamental research at this institution which is fed with pure knowledge, was not meant to lead to innovation at the beginning; it was first necessary the applied research to be conducted before the new knowledge was ready to be used in practice, in which technological approach was completely new, and supported and evaluated by following institutions:
    The private Universidad Libre Las Colinas, department of the “Agora”.
    The department of mechanics of the University of Ghent.
    The University of Alicante, Cenemes.
    Yacht builder Vennekens.

    The basic research since the years 80 was being supported by:
    The Belgian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Department Promotion of scientific research.
    Fabrimetal (Metal using industries supported by the Belgian government)
    Société Générale de Banque.
    Nieuwe Scheldewerven S.A.
    The Flemish Investments Association (VIV.)
    The regional Flemish investment association (GIMV.)
    The Ministry of Education and Culture.
    The National Commission for the Unesco, Belgium.

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      the knowledge

      • the know how - the internal dynamics (I.D.)

        The vehicles are developed by the application of a new technology based on the basic research and the resulting Know How “The dynamic stability”(1), that has by now reached its full development, and the use of the “Internal Dynamics” (I.D.).
        (1) “A physical electromagnetic gravity that shows an electronic behaviour and a dynamic patron in an interaction between and in space and matter of stability and motion. To mobilize these powers and to form them in their will to a dynamic stability in a creation of marine vehicles”

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          • The technical innovation has been evaluated by:

            Patent office Gevers, Belgium.
            Patent Office Hanssens, Brussels.
            Patent bureau Spoor & Fisher, Jersey for South Africa
            IP Australia.
            The European Patent Office, München.
            INP Institut National de la Proprieté Industrielle, Paris, France.
            For Great Britain: The Patent Office, Newport, South Wales.
            Deutsches Patentamt, München for Germany.
            Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, Madrid for Spain.
            The register of intellectual property, Madrid.
            Ernst & Young Management consultants in a business plan made by Luc Vierin.
            MakeTair Aviation S.L., for the work plan and materials, Alicante, Spain, Ing. Weijdema.
            The analytical study by L.M.S. Louvain, Belgium.
            The market study by Guy Dixon.

            special thanks
            “Whilst all agreed that this is the most innovative marine craft [... ] The vehicles are conceived, based on very healthy flow mechanisms by which vehicles are created with various extraordinary qualities and high integrity of the design [... ] We also refer to a report by Ghent University, which acted as consultants on flow theory on the whole, their report confirms our views [...].”
            (Ir. Jef Vandenhout, L M.S. Louvain, Belgium)